Акименко Виталий Владимирович - доктор технических наук, профессор.

Закончил физический факультет Московского Государственного университета им.М.Ломоносова в 1988 г., аспирантуру физического факультета МГУ 1991 г., докторантуру Восточноукраинского Государственного университета (г.Луганск) в 1998 г. В 1991 году защитил кандидатскую диссертацию по специальности "Математическая физика", а в 2001 году - докторскую диссертацию по специальности "Системный анализ и теория оптимальных решений".

Работал в Восточноукраинском национальном университете, г. Луганск (заведующий кафедрой информатики, профессор) и в Европейском университете финансов, информационных систем, менеджмента и бизнеса, г.Киев (заведующий кафедрой информационных систем и технологий, профессор).

Автор более 90 научных работ. Награжден дипломом и премией Национальной Академии Наук Украины для молодых ученых в 2000 г. по информатике.

Область научных интересов: принятие решений в условиях неопределенности, нечеткой информации; численные методы моделирования сложных процессов и систем.

Curriculum Vitae

Некоторые опубликованные работы

1. Akimenko V.V., Zahorodnii Yu.V., Boyko A.L. Identification of parameters of evolutionary model of monocyclic cells aggregation with the hop plants example, Computers and mathematics with application, (2013).

2. Akimenko V.V., Yefimenko A.A. Resolving of the - Lotka - Volterra system of spliting logistical model for the competition problem, Chaotic modeling and simulation, 4 (2012) 651-661.

3. Akimenko V.V., Yefimenko A.A. Model of optimum control of founds and com-petition ability for information-communication’s company, Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, V.48, 5 (2012) 722-735.

4. Akimenko V.V., Yefimenko A.A. Numerical Method for Solving the Diffusive Lotke?Volterra Model with Discontinuous Coefficients for the Problem of Companies Competition, Journal of automation and information sciences, V.44, 4 (2012) 71-80.

5. Akimenko V.V., Zahorodnii Yu.V. Modeling of dynamics of monocycle cells aggregation, Cybernetics and systems analysis, V.47, 1 (2011) 29-43.

6. Akimenko V.V., Zahorodnii Yu.V., Romanenko V.V. The optimum control problem of monocycle biological cells aggregation, Journal of automation and information sciences, V.42, 9 (2010) 42-52.

7. Akimenko V.V., Mitrohin S.A. The optimum control modeling by the nonlinear filtration of land water logging process, Journal of automation and information sciences, v.42, 8 (2010), 65-82.

8. Branch National Standard of High Education of Ukraine. Educational Professional Characteristics for Bachelor in direction of study “Informatics” /Head of work group Akimenko V.V. Order №880 of Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine from 16.09.2010 (in Ukrainian). – 32p.

9. Branch National Standard of High Education of Ukraine. Educational Professional Program for Bachelor in direction of study“Informatics” /Head of work group Akimenko V.V. Order №880 of Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine from 16.09.2010 (in Ukrainian). – 93p.

10. Akimenko V.V., Nakonechny O.G., Trofimchuk O.,Yr. Modeling of convection - diffusions processes on basis of multidimensional integro- differential equation with degenerated parabolicity, Cybernetics and systems analysis, v.45, 2 (2009), 232-244.

11. Akimenko V.V., Sugonyak I.I. A model of optimal control over a nonlinear multidimensional innovation diffusion process, Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, V.44, 4 (2008), 564-574.

12. Akimenko V.V., Sugonyak I.I. A model of optimal control over a nonlinear multidimensional innovation diffusion process, Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, V.44, 4 (2008), 564-574.

13. Akіmenko V.V., Nakonechny O.G., Trofimchuk O.Yu. The model of optimum control for the system of integral-differential equations with degenerate parabolicity, Cybernetics and system analyses, v.43, 6 (2007) 90-102.

14. Akimenko V.V., Nakonechny A.G., Voloshuk S.D. Scenarios of optimum transregional migration process control in conditions of social risks, Cybernetics and systems analysis, v.43, 1 (2007) 116-133.

15. Akimenko V.V., Nakonechny A.G., Sugonyak I.I. Modeling of optimum control processes in the conditions of uncertainty in the economical systems with hierarchy, Journal of automation and information sciences, v.39, 2 (2007) 62-72.

16. Akimenko V.V., Nakonechny O.G. Optimum control models for transregional migration process meaning social risks, Cybernetics and systems analysis, v.42, 3 (2006) 107-122.

17. Akimenko V.V., Cheremnykh O.K. Modeling of vortical flows on a background of 2-dim convective thermo-mass-exchange process, Journal of automation and information sciences, v.36, 3 (2004) 64-80.

18. Akimenko V.V. Modelling of two-dimensional transport processes by using of non-linear monotonous second order schemes, Cybernetics and systems analysis, v.39, 6 (2003) 839-853.

19. Akimenko V.V. The mathematical model of atmospheric air pollution management in the system of regional monitoring centres, Journal of automation and information sciences, v.33, 2, (2001) 137-151.

20. Akimenko V.V. Computer administrative decision support system in conditions of the fuzzy information for systems of atmosphere ecological monitoring, Cybernetics and systems analysis, v.36, 5 (2000) 763-775.

21. Akimenko V.V., Nonlinear monotone smoothing of an implicit difference scheme for parabolic equation, Journal of automation and information sciences, , v.32, 9 (2000) 75–81.

22. Akimenko V.V., On application of nonlinear monotone high order approximation schemes in the atmosphere pollution modeling problem, Journal of automation and information sciences, v.31, 9 (1999) 76–85.

23. Akimenko V.V. The maximum principle and non-linear monotone schemes for parabolic equations, Computational mathematics and mathematical physics, v.39, 4 (1999) 590-600.

24. Akimenko V.V. Monotone high-order schemes for transport equations, Computational mathematics and mathematical physics, v.39, 5 (1999) 805-816.

25. Akimenko V.V. Mathematical modelling of ecological stability of a region’s boundary atmosphere layer, Lugansk, East- Ukrainian State University publ., 1998.

26. Akimenko V.V. On quadrature and cubature formulas for a class of multiple singular integrals, Ukrainian mathematical journal, v.49, 12 (1997) 1891-1898.

27. Akimenko V.V., Glasko V.B., Kal'ner V.D., Kal'ner Yu.V., Tikhonov A.N. Control of cooling during hardening taking into account the effect of stresses on phase transformations, Journal of engineering physics, v.61, 5 (1991) 1425-1429.

28. Tikhonov A.N., Akimenko V.V., Kal'ner V.D., Glasko V.B., Kal'ner Yu.V., Kulik N.I. Planning a physical experiment on determination of the parameters of a material by using mathematical methods, Journal of engineering physics, v.61, 2 (1991) 941-946.

29. Tikhonov A.N., Kal'ner V.D., Shklyarov I.N., Glasko V.B., Kulik N.I., Akimenko V.V. Effect of high-temperature heating of bimetallic steel billets, Journal of engineering physics, v.58, 3 (1990) 281-289.

30. Tikhonov A.N., Kal'ner V.D., Glasko V.B., Kulik N.I., Akimenko V.V. Optimization of heating bimetallic steel stock to high temperatures, Metal science and heat treatment, v.32, 2 (1990) 105-112.

e-mail: akvv@unicyb.kiev.ua

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